29 October 2022

Fern Pool was the waterhole close to Dales Campground in Karijini. Karijini was a place we’d been looking forward to visiting for months. On Day 2 we weren’t disappointed.

We did the Dales Gorge and Gorge Rim walks to see the gorge from both the top and the bottom to warm us up for our swim in Fern Pool. We were even foolish enough to mistake Fortescue Falls for Fern Pool but we were quickly corrected.

After finding the right pool, it was a little busy and very cold. We had a quick dip and got chatting to some fellow travellers. In that time, it emptied and we had it to ourselves. The girls swam (borrowing our fellow travellers pool noodles) and we chatted.

Fern Pool was a beautiful background to compare stories and relax. 

Dales Gorge, just before Fortescue Falls and Fern Pool