29 July 2022

One of the major challenges of off-grid camping is managing your water. Our new van carries 80L more than our last van. With toilets at Eungella Dam we were confident we could get through three nights. When our first water tank ran dry earlier than expected that confidence evaporated.

We spent the day thinking water. We were planning, second guessing and conserving as much as we could to have something left on our final day. The kids were sick of the water police. It turns out though all our thinking wasn’t in vain. We realised that we had accidentally left with the front tank not quite full (rookie error). We were also completely mis-interpreting the water tank gauges (duh).

By the time we left we had a little less than 1/4 of a tank left, with another 30L in water drums. Not enough for a fourth night, but in hindsight a comfortable three.